Major Power Outage at Cape Town International Airport Causes Flight Disruptions and Diversions

Major Power Outage at Cape Town International Airport Causes Flight Disruptions and Diversions

A significant power outage at Cape Town International Airport has halted operations, causing flight disruptions and diversions. This incident unveils deeper issues of mismanagement and corruption at PetroSA, igniting public outrage and demands for accountability.

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Singapore Airlines Turbulence Horror: Passengers Share Nightmarish Experiences at 37,000 Feet

Singapore Airlines Turbulence Horror: Passengers Share Nightmarish Experiences at 37,000 Feet

Passengers aboard a Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore endured a hellish experience when severe turbulence struck at 37,000 feet, leading to chaos and injuries. The incident, which left 104 passengers harmed and resulted in one fatality, prompted an emergency diversion to Bangkok for medical aid. Authorities are investigating the mishap, which has been described by passengers as an utter nightmare.

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New Insights on the 1996 Titanic Crew Drugging Incident: Suspect Likely Not From Halifax, Police Say

New Insights on the 1996 Titanic Crew Drugging Incident: Suspect Likely Not From Halifax, Police Say

In 1996, around 80 crew members of the film 'Titanic,' including director James Cameron, were hospitalized after consuming PCP-laced lobster chowder. Halifax Police now believe that the individual responsible is likely not a local. PCP, uncommon in Halifax, is more prevalent in Hollywood. Speculations suggest the incident could have been an attempt to extend filming, funded by an insurance claim.

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