Kwankwaso Urges Nigerians to Seek Change Through Ballot, Warns Against Protests

Kwankwaso Urges Nigerians to Seek Change Through Ballot, Warns Against Protests

Kwankwaso Urges Nigerians to Seek Change Through Ballot, Warns Against Protests

In an impassioned plea to the citizens of Nigeria, Rabiu Kwankwaso, the presidential candidate of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) in the 2023 elections, has called for a shift from nationwide protests to a more constructive approach—voting. Addressing the turbulent state of the nation, Kwankwaso emphasized the need for change but warned that protests could have dire consequences.

The State of Anger and Despair

Nigeria, a nation blessed with resources and potential, finds itself trapped in a myriad of challenges—anger, hunger, insecurity, despair, and a palpable sense of hopelessness. These issues, Kwankwaso argues, are deeply rooted in poor governance. The former governor of Kano state pointed out specific issues exacerbating the situation, including the federal government's interference in local chieftaincy matters, the impeachment of the deputy governor of Edo state, and internal conflicts within political parties, particularly the conflict between Sen. Ali Ndume and the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

These challenges have not only marred the political landscape but have also sown seeds of distrust and disillusionment among the populace. Citizens, grappling with day-to-day survival, are left questioning the efficiency and integrity of their leaders. The toll is visible on the streets where discontent simmers, threatening to boil over into full-fledged demonstrations.

The Perils of Protesting

Kwankwaso acknowledged the genuine frustration that fuels the desire for protests, recognizing that for many, taking to the streets feels like the only outlet to express their grievances. However, he urged a reconsideration of this approach. History, both within and outside Nigeria, has shown how peaceful protests can quickly devolve into violent conflicts, leading to loss of lives, destruction of properties, and widespread chaos. For a nation already battling multifaceted crises, the aftermath of such upheaval could be catastrophic.

He underscored that while protests might bring temporary attention to issues, the resultant instability often leaves the underlying problems unaddressed. Instead, Kwankwaso champions a more systemic change, one rooted in the democratic process.

The Power of the Ballot

At the core of Kwankwaso’s message is a powerful reminder of the significance of the ballot. In a democracy, the vote is the most potent tool citizens have at their disposal. By casting their votes wisely, Nigerians have the opportunity to elect leaders who align with their vision of better governance and accountability. Kwankwaso’s call to action is clear: channel the energy and passion driving the protests into the electoral process.

He urged Nigerians to engage in the political process, to stay informed about candidates and their policies, and most importantly, to vote. In his view, sustainable change is achievable when citizens exercise their right to vote and hold their elected officials accountable. It's a call for civic responsibility and political maturity, urging voters to not only demand change but also to actively participate in the process of achieving it.

A Critique of Current Leadership

Delving deeper into the causes of the nation's woes, Kwankwaso did not shy away from critiquing current and past leadership. He highlighted a series of missteps and policy failures that have contributed to the current climate of discontent. The federal government’s involvement in local chieftaincy affairs, for instance, has disrupted traditional structures and fueled local tensions. The contentious impeachment of Edo state's deputy governor has further exemplified the volatility and factionalism within Nigeria's political arena.

Moreover, internal conflicts within the ruling party, as seen in the dispute between Sen. Ali Ndume and the APC leadership, reflect broader issues of governance and leadership crises. According to Kwankwaso, these incidents underscore a pervasive lack of direction and unity at the helm of the nation’s political machinery.

The Road Ahead

Kwankwaso’s vision for Nigeria is one where change is not only desired but systematically pursued through democratic means. He called for comprehensive electoral reforms to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections where every vote counts. To this end, he implored electoral bodies, civil society organizations, and international observers to play their roles in safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process.

He also emphasized the importance of grassroots mobilization and voter education. For democracy to function effectively, an informed electorate is crucial. Citizens need to understand their rights and the power they wield through their votes. They need to be aware of the policies and track records of those seeking office, making decisions based not on rhetoric but on real, tangible evidence of competence and commitment to public service.

A Call for Unity and Resilience

In closing, Kwankwaso appealed for unity and resilience among Nigerians. He called for a collective effort to overcome the present challenges, advocating for a politics of inclusion and service rather than division and personal gain. For a nation as diverse and dynamic as Nigeria, cohesive and visionary leadership is a necessity, not a luxury.

His message, resonant and timely, is not merely a campaign speech but a profound call to all Nigerians. The road to change is arduous and fraught with obstacles, but it is a journey that must be undertaken. The promise of a better Nigeria lies not in the hands of a few, but in the collective will and action of its people. As the nation approaches the 2023 elections, the call to use the ballot, and not the streets, becomes ever more significant.

Kwankwaso’s plea is a reminder of the peaceful power of democracy and the role of each citizen in shaping the future. It is a call to rise above the anger and despair, to envision a future free from the shadows of poor governance, and to strive tirelessly towards it through the power of the vote.